01382 307701
Gillburn Rd, Dundee DD3 0EH

Medical Care

The school has a Medical Helper with First Aid qualifications based in a central area. Minor injuries and ailments which occur during the school day can be attended to. Where necessary contact will be made with parents or relatives or the emergency contact for a child to be taken home or to Ninewells Hospital.

Medication of any kind cannot be administered by staff. If a child requires to take prescribed medication it is the responsibility of parents to bring the medication to school and give clear instruction on its use.

Health visits are made regularly by our School Nurse. Parents are always given notification of visits and appointments made by the school doctor. Any immunisation programme requires written parental consent.

Medication will be given by the medical helper or designated person provided the appropriate form has been completed. Likewise for some young people who self medicate i.e. inhalers, epi pens etc there is a medical room for this use.